Missle Launches |
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Minotaur 11784 viewsSeptember 22, 2005 marked the first Vandenberg AFB dusk launch in nearly three years. The Minotaur booster Lifted off from south Vandenberg just after 19:24 PDT, the start of a 16-minute launch window.
This first photo in the series shows the the Minotaur streaking southward from Vandenberg as it gains altitude.

Minotaur 21818 viewsFirst Stage Separation. In this second photo you can see the Second Stage staring to burn leaving the First Stage behind.
All photos were taken from the top of the Kaiser parking lot at the corner of Walnut and Los Robles in Pasadena.

Minotaur 31938 viewsSeptember 22, 2005 marked the first Vandenberg AFB dusk launch in nearly three years. The Minotaur booster Lifted off from south Vandenberg just after 19:24 PDT, the start of a 16-minute launch window.
This third photo shows the second stage continuing to burn. Venus can be seen in the lower left.

Minotaur 41954 viewsSeptember 22, 2005 marked the first Vandenberg AFB dusk launch in nearly three years. The Minotaur booster Lifted off from south Vandenberg just after 19:24 PDT, the start of a 16-minute launch window.
This fourth photo gives you some perspective and an idea of how much this filled the sky. It was awesome. The Pasadena Courthouse and a large tree are visible in the foreground. Venus can still be seen about 10-15 degrees above the horizon.

Minotaur 52064 views"Aftermath" September 22, 2005 marked the first Vandenberg AFB dusk launch in nearly three years. The Minotaur booster Lifted off from south Vandenberg just after 19:24 PDT, the start of a 16-minute launch window.
This last photo shows the remainder of the vapor trail several minutes following the launch. The upper atmosphere winds have twisted it. Taken from the Pasadena area using my Canon Digital Rebel.

Shoot The Moon2309 viewsThe final piece of Boeing's new generation of Delta IV Rocket Fleet lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base on June 27, 2006. The Delta IV M (Medium Plus) left the pad at 20:33 hrs Pacific Daylight Time and rose into the colorful twilight accented by the thin Waxing crescent Moon. What you see is the vapor trail left over from the Liquid Rocket Motor.