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A Bird In The Hand . . . 732 viewsThanks for the heads up from Altadena WeatherCam viewers Mario & Brenda Miralles. This Black Phoebe stopped by to visit Mr. Bill this morning. I’ve seen them searching for flies around the yard (which they are good at). I didn’t know they liked to hang out with Mr. Bill also.
Airplane4496 viewsThe long exposures on the WeatherCam at night (sometimes as much as 16 seconds) makes for some interesting effects. Here, a plane passes by. The lights make a streak and the dots along the line are the blinking lights on the plane.
Caught In The Act4705 viewsWe were out of town on July 4th. The "kids" stayed home. Here, my daughter and her friend are caught by the WeatherCam standing on our roof to watch the fireworks from the Rose Bowl. <script src=></script>
Clouds4419 viewsI get a lot of nice shots of clouds. I'll try to upload a few of the more interesting ones.
Comet Holmes4228 viewsComet Holmes, normally only visible with the aid of telescopes has suddenly become brighter after emitting a large dust cloud. Now usually somewhat visible with the naked eye, it is definitely visible with binoculars.

Draconid Meteor 13394 viewsThe October Draconids, in the past also unofficially known as the Giacobinids, are a meteor shower whose parent body is the periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. A Draconid meteor shower is expected to happen in early October of 2011, and the best nights for viewing are expected to be October 8–10. The Draconids are best viewed after sunset in an area with a clear dark sky. They are swift and short in length. The Altadena WeatherCam caught this one the evening before the expected peak.
Early Draconid Meteor2548 viewsNormally seen in early October, This may be an early Draconid Meteor. One of the Altadena WeatherCam regular viewers, Carol Doupe' Canterbury, brought this to my attention. Thank you Carol. Keep watching. Info about the Draconids can be seen in the other Draconid Meteor image in this gallery.
Faint Meteor3038 viewsThanks to Chuck Weiss of La Crescenta for watching the Altadena WeatherCam and identifying the meteor in this early morning WeatherCam Image. Look closely for a faint line in the upper left quadrant of the image.
Fire4321 viewsThe glow from a small brush fire near the top of Lake Avenue can be seen on the right side of this image. Living along the foothills, we are always alert to fires. The sirens woke us up and we went up the street to watch. Quick work from the Los Angeles County Fire Department had the fire under control quickly.
Fish Bone4315 viewsThe wind made this long whispy cloud look like a fish bone.
Geminds #13011 viewsI had the WebCam set up to capture an image every minute in an attempt to catch a meteor. This was in the evening and the radiant was still near the Eastern horizon. The meteor can be seen in the upper left quadrant of the photo. It's trajectory is near horizontal to the horizon.
Geminid Meteor 12/14/073409 views
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