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Bob Westphal2398 viewsThis is the photo I was trying to recreate. As you can see i didn't get it exactly right. This is my Dad in front of a B-17 in Europe.
Thanks to the wealth of information available on the Internet, I found out that "WALLAROO" was part of the 303rd Bomber Group and flew 35 Combat Missions before being shot down Jan 14, 1944.
Glad my Dad wasn't on it.Dec 19, 2007

Turning Towards Home2062 viewsWe made a sweeping right turn and headed back towards Burbank. We were over Calabasas and you can see the 101 fwy and Las Virgenes Road below.Feb 22, 2007

Looking Back2296 viewsThis was the view looking back from the opening just behind the cockpit. It was like sticking your head out of a convertible going 165 MPH.Feb 22, 2007

2016 viewsView from the Bombardier's Position. It was really neat sitting in the chair up there.Feb 22, 2007

30 Seconds Over Hollywood2246 viewsView from the right Waist Gunners position as we flew over Hollywood. The Hollywood Sign can be seen in the distance.Feb 22, 2007

2172 viewsMy Father-In-Law Ron Hanke at the Radio Operators position.Feb 22, 2007

1942 viewsThe radio looked so simple. No "bells and whistles". It must have been tough sending CW (morse code) while they were in flight. It was pretty bumpy.Feb 22, 2007

Tight Squeeze2223 viewsThis is looking forward from the Radio Room through the Bomb Bay. You had to walk through here to get to the front of the plane.Feb 22, 2007

Nine-O-Nine2153 viewsNine-O-Nine is Maintained and operated by the Collings Foundation and she was in pretty nice shape. I beleive this is a B-17G model. The Collings Foundation is a Non-Profit Group so the cost of our ride was Tax Deductible. This was a Birthday Present for My Father-In-Law. Of course I HAD to go along. We flew out of the Burbank Airport.Feb 22, 2007

2254 viewsI was trying to re-create a photo that I have of my Father, Bob Westphal, in front of the nose of a B-17 in Europe during WWII. He was a Tech Sargent and repaired the radios in the planes. I hope to scan an image of that photo and place it here soon.Feb 22, 2007

Ready For Takeoff2053 viewsAll strapped in (except me) and ready to go. We were about to taxi out to the runway.Feb 22, 2007

Me And My Shadow2054 viewsWe took off to the South and then turned West. As we banked in the turn, over the Los Feliz area I believe, you could see our shadow on the ground below.Feb 22, 2007
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