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A Bird In The Hand . . . 732 viewsThanks for the heads up from Altadena WeatherCam viewers Mario & Brenda Miralles. This Black Phoebe stopped by to visit Mr. Bill this morning. I’ve seen them searching for flies around the yard (which they are good at). I didn’t know they liked to hang out with Mr. Bill also.Nov 30, 2019

ISS 9/2/20172194 viewsGood pass of the International Space Station. From West to North-Northeast. Magnitude -3.0. This was brought to my attention by a local viewer who happened to be checking the WeatherCam image early in the morning. Thanks Leo !Sep 03, 2017

Lightning 8/30/20172365 viewsI was sitting in my back yard enjoying a late Summer Thunderstorm. I actually SAW this Lightning Strike and didn't know the WeatherCam caught it until I was alerted by a loyal viewer, Brenna Snyder. Thanks Brenna!Sep 03, 2017

Early Draconid Meteor2548 viewsNormally seen in early October, This may be an early Draconid Meteor. One of the Altadena WeatherCam regular viewers, Carol Doupe' Canterbury, brought this to my attention. Thank you Carol. Keep watching. Info about the Draconids can be seen in the other Draconid Meteor image in this gallery.Sep 28, 2016

ISS 9-11-2015 2601 viewsAnother nice pass of the International Space Station caught early this morning. It was passing overhead from NW to NNE. Magnitude of brightness was -2.4
One of the Altadena WeatherCam's regular viewers, Leo, saw this and alerted me to the image. Thanks Leo!Sep 12, 2015

She'll Be Comin' 'round The Mountain When She Comes2995 viewsThis was pointed out by Normand, one of the many fans of the Altadena WeatherCam. A nice shot of a helicopter circling over the San Gabriel's the other night. It was a Sunday evening so they were probably looking for a lost/overdue hiker. The Green and Red Navigation Lights cause the change in colors in the streak of light. Oct 07, 2014

Draconid Meteor 13394 viewsThe October Draconids, in the past also unofficially known as the Giacobinids, are a meteor shower whose parent body is the periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. A Draconid meteor shower is expected to happen in early October of 2011, and the best nights for viewing are expected to be October 8–10. The Draconids are best viewed after sunset in an area with a clear dark sky. They are swift and short in length. The Altadena WeatherCam caught this one the evening before the expected peak.Oct 12, 2011

Sno-Caps3786 viewsRemember the Nestle Candy you used to get at the Movies? Well, that's what came to mind when thinking of a name for this image.
A very cold Low Pressure System moved down the coast from Alaska and combined with some moisture from the South to give us this beautiful snowfall down to about 3000'. This image was taken at 3:06 a.m. and the temperature dropped down to 33.1 Degrees just before sunrise.Mar 10, 2011

Station Fire 23199 viewsEarly morning hours of Saturday the 29th. Temperature was 77 Degrees at 1:36am. Humidity was 15% with 3MPH Winds from the NE. Smoke was blowing back down on us. The Station Fire went on to burn uncontrolled for weeks and consumed more than 250 Square Miles. Jan 06, 2010

Station Fire 33783 viewsSaturday August 29, the Temperature was 78 Degrees at 9:36PM. Humidity was only 12% and Winds were calm. The Star Of Palawoo can be seen on the right giving nervous residents a glimmer of hope.Jan 06, 2010

Rainbow3257 viewsAltadena Weathercam captured a Rainbow this afternoon as a cold winter storm blew through the area. Only 0.91 inches of rain but temperatures are supposed to go real low tonight and snow level could drop to 1500 feet.Dec 08, 2009

Station Fire 13462 viewsImage captured on 8/28/09 4:36pm. The Station Fire which started along Angeles Crest Highway on 8/26 had now wroked it's way East. In this image the fire is racing up the back side of Brown Mountain. Temperature was 97 Degrees and Humidity was 10% with winds 2MPH out of the SSW.
Sep 14, 2009