Bill Westphal's Photo Gallery

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Old Guys Rule2329 viewsStill getting used to the Quad a little. Andy and I were trying some jumps.
Dumont By Moonlight2321 viewsThe Full Moon was illuminating the Sand Dunes at Dumont Dunes, CA located near Death Valley. It was a nice evening with temperatures in the 70's. This photo was taken March 3rd, 2007 just before 9:00 pm. It was a 20 second exposure @ f3.5 (ISO 400) taken with my Canon Digital Rebel.
Shoot The Moon2309 viewsThe final piece of Boeing's new generation of Delta IV Rocket Fleet lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base on June 27, 2006. The Delta IV M (Medium Plus) left the pad at 20:33 hrs Pacific Daylight Time and rose into the colorful twilight accented by the thin Waxing crescent Moon. What you see is the vapor trail left over from the Liquid Rocket Motor.
Rail Bed2307 viewsThe old Tonapah and Tidewater railroad used to run through this canyon, from Baker, CA to Tonapah, NV. This is the Rail Bed raised above the floor of the Amargosa River and in the distance sliced through a ridge. The Railroad was in operation between 1905 and 1940.
Amargosa River2298 viewsAndy crosses the Amargosa River.
Looking Back2296 viewsThis was the view looking back from the opening just behind the cockpit. It was like sticking your head out of a convertible going 165 MPH.
Close To Home2294 viewsFriday, 4:25 PM. The fire continued to make it's way east. This view looking down our street shows the smoke billowing up from the back side of Brown Mountain.
Cobra2271 viewsThe AH-1 Firewatch Cobra is used for monitoring and directing fire operations. Equipped with high tech gadgets like Infared and Low-Light Sensors, it provides the firefighters with an excellent tool for monitoring the fire.
Sunset From The Beach House2264 viewsAfter a nice dinner at the Beach House in Poipu, we enjoyed this beautiful sunset from the lawn just outside the restaraunt.
2259 viewsMexican Evening Primrose
2254 viewsI was trying to re-create a photo that I have of my Father, Bob Westphal, in front of the nose of a B-17 in Europe during WWII. He was a Tech Sargent and repaired the radios in the planes. I hope to scan an image of that photo and place it here soon.
2250 viewsOn a fresher note, Springtime in the Santa Monica Mountains provides a wonderful display of wildflowers.

This is Purple Sage and it is abundant around the Earth Station. It is a favorite of the local Honey Bees.
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