Top rated - Leila |

Com'on Lets Jump Some More2173 viewsOnce Leila found her way onto the trampoline we couldn't get her off. Age: 1yr 3mos. (11 votes)

Do I HAVE To Wear This Collar?1994 viewsLeila's First Christmas. 7 Months old. (10 votes)

Attentive2070 viewsI don't remember what she was staring at but it had her full attention. This is Leila at 1 1/2 Years. (9 votes)

Happy Dog2060 viewsA smile that would win your heart. Leila at 1 Year. (9 votes)

I Hope I Grow Into This Collar Soon1980 viewsLeila at 3 Months. Teething on a plastic tent stake, she was drifting off to sleep. (10 votes)

New Found Friends1992 viewsLeila's new best friend is Stone, Whitney's new kitten. They love to chase each other through the house. Well . . . . Leila chases Stone but when she stops Stone goes looking for her. Here they are taking a littl "Cat Nap". (5 votes)