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Tall Ships2345 viewsTaken in Oxnard CA during the Tall Ships Festival. (7 votes)

Fire4321 viewsThe glow from a small brush fire near the top of Lake Avenue can be seen on the right side of this image. Living along the foothills, we are always alert to fires. The sirens woke us up and we went up the street to watch. Quick work from the Los Angeles County Fire Department had the fire under control quickly. (32 votes)

Full Moon At Triunfo Pass2213 viewsI've been spending some time at the AT&T Satellite Earth Station nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu, CA.
Since it was clear, warm, and there was a Full Moon, I thought I'd try some more night shots of the Earth Station.
The Full Moon was illuminating the huge 32 Meter Dish on Antenna #3.
This is a 30 second exposure at f6.3 ISO400.
An airplane happened to be by passing by during the exposure.
It makes it look like a shooting star. (6 votes)

Dumont By Moonlight2321 viewsThe Full Moon was illuminating the Sand Dunes at Dumont Dunes, CA located near Death Valley. It was a nice evening with temperatures in the 70's. This photo was taken March 3rd, 2007 just before 9:00 pm. It was a 20 second exposure @ f3.5 (ISO 400) taken with my Canon Digital Rebel. (6 votes)

Low Clouds3965 viewsLow clouds moved in this evening. Gave an eerie look to the WeatherCam images. (29 votes)

Sno-Caps3786 viewsRemember the Nestle Candy you used to get at the Movies? Well, that's what came to mind when thinking of a name for this image.
A very cold Low Pressure System moved down the coast from Alaska and combined with some moisture from the South to give us this beautiful snowfall down to about 3000'. This image was taken at 3:06 a.m. and the temperature dropped down to 33.1 Degrees just before sunrise. (16 votes)

Squall3113 viewsRemnants of a storm which blew through the Southern California area. Heavy rain can be seen falling in the distance. Taken from the end of the Oceanside Pier. (13 votes)

Draconid Meteor 13394 viewsThe October Draconids, in the past also unofficially known as the Giacobinids, are a meteor shower whose parent body is the periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. A Draconid meteor shower is expected to happen in early October of 2011, and the best nights for viewing are expected to be October 8–10. The Draconids are best viewed after sunset in an area with a clear dark sky. They are swift and short in length. The Altadena WeatherCam caught this one the evening before the expected peak. (16 votes)

Lightning 8/30/20172365 viewsI was sitting in my back yard enjoying a late Summer Thunderstorm. I actually SAW this Lightning Strike and didn't know the WeatherCam caught it until I was alerted by a loyal viewer, Brenna Snyder. Thanks Brenna! (12 votes)

Moon Passing2038 viewsI was up at the crack of dawn 2/22/06 to get a few shots of the Sunrise over the Sea Of Cortez. The Last Quarter Moon was setting as the sky was beginning to brighten. I heard a jet high overhead and turned just in time to catch this shot of the jet and it's contrail passing the Moon. Taken with a Canon Digital Rebel using a 100-300 Zoom Lens. ISO 400, 1/640 second at f8.0
 (11 votes)

ISS 4-12-082363 viewsNice pass of the International Space Station (ISS) tonight.
It was magnitude -2.1 brightness and passed from Northwest to the East.
This was taken with my new Canon 5D Digital SLR e/w 24-105MM lens.
138 Second Exposure, f4.5, ISO 100. (7 votes)

Mauna Kea2134 viewsTaken Kea 4/6/06
There are currently thirteen working telescopes near the summit of Mauna Kea. They include the largest optical/infrared telescopes in the world (the Keck telescopes), the largest dedicated infrared telescope (UKIRT) and the largest submillimeter telescope in the world (the JCMT). In this photo taken near the 13,796 Foot Summit you can see (from left to right) the Subaru Telescope, the 2 W.M. Keck Telescopes and the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. (7 votes)
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