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Search results - "purple"
Malealuca2380 viewsLooks like it's related to the Bottle Brush plant. Beautiful purple bloom. Take at San Clement State Beach Campground.
Purple Haze2053 viewsDistant mountains in the Sonoran Desert South of San Felipe.
Desert Sand Verbena2027 viewsThis is a round flower consisting of many small purple blooms. It's about 1 inch in diameter.
Desert Five Spot1977 viewsThis delicate purple flower is named for the five red spots which can be seen inside the round bloom. The information I read implied that this was a rare desert flower. The very wet winter brough out quite a few of these flowers.
Purple Mountain's Majesty2160 viewsTaken 9/16/06
The setting Sun and smoke from the "Day" Fire combined with the rugged San Gabriel Mountains created this interesting gradation of color and tone.
2046 viewsPurple Orchid Taken at the Pasadena Farmers Market.
Hummer2141 viewsPhot taken 10/8/05 in my front yard. The Mexicam Sage attracts quite a few Humming Birds. This year (2006) we had as many as 8-10 at a time fighting over the bush's beautiful purple blooms.
Swallowtail1804 viewsI chased this butterfly around my backyard for 20 minutes. I don't remember how many shots I took. Finally got some good ones. Here he is posing on one of the Agapantus flowers. I like the grenn, purple and yellow. Taken with a Canon Digital Rebel with a 300mm Zoom Lens.
2248 viewsOn a fresher note, Springtime in the Santa Monica Mountains provides a wonderful display of wildflowers.

This is Purple Sage and it is abundant around the Earth Station. It is a favorite of the local Honey Bees.
2451 viewsThe hills around the Earth Station were covered with a variety of wildflowers of different types and colors.

This is called Purple Nightshade
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