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International Space Station4986 viewsTonight the Altadena WeatherCam caught an image of the International Space Station passing overhead. The Shuttle Atlantis (STS-122) was docked with the ISS.
The lighter dotted line is a passing airplane. The brighter line is the ISS and Shuttle. Magnitude of Brightness was estimated at -1.2
 (40 votes)

Starry Night4629 viewsA cold Winter Storm blew through the area March 11, 2006. I had just installed the WeatherCam and was lucky to catch this glimpse of the Hills dusted with snow down to the 2000 foot level. (39 votes)

A Bird In The Hand . . . 732 viewsThanks for the heads up from Altadena WeatherCam viewers Mario & Brenda Miralles. This Black Phoebe stopped by to visit Mr. Bill this morning. I’ve seen them searching for flies around the yard (which they are good at). I didn’t know they liked to hang out with Mr. Bill also. (7 votes)

A Young Moon2072 viewsThe Moon was merely 63 Hours Old. Setting in the West, here at about 19:00 hrs PDT. Still 78 Degrees with mild Santa Ana conditions with winds from the North, after a high of 94.5 Degrees earlier today. View looking West from my backyard in Altadena, CA (16 votes)

Airplane4496 viewsThe long exposures on the WeatherCam at night (sometimes as much as 16 seconds) makes for some interesting effects. Here, a plane passes by. The lights make a streak and the dots along the line are the blinking lights on the plane. (31 votes)

Taurid Meteor3605 viewsTaurid Meteor shower. The Taurids are linked to debris from comet 2P/Enke, and roughly every 3 years there is an outburst as Earths orbit intersects the debris cloud. They appear to eminate from the Constellation Tauris. They can be very bright. (21 votes)

Havasu Lightning2674 viewsI captured this lightning using my first Digital Camera, an Olympus C-5050Z. I had it in "Manual" mode set for the maximum exposure of 16 seconds. I took quite a few exposures this way during the lightning storm.  (17 votes)

Fish Bone4315 viewsThe wind made this long whispy cloud look like a fish bone. (35 votes)

Com'on Lets Jump Some More2173 viewsOnce Leila found her way onto the trampoline we couldn't get her off. Age: 1yr 3mos. (11 votes)

The Lowe Fire3554 viewsThe WeatherCam caught several good images of the Lowe Fire (named for nearby Mt. Lowe). Quick work from the Angeles National Forest Fire Crews along with Los Angeles County resources kept the fire to around 12 acres with no structures lost.
In this image a Water Dropping Helicopter approaches to make a drop. (26 votes)

Clouds4419 viewsI get a lot of nice shots of clouds. I'll try to upload a few of the more interesting ones. (33 votes)

Snowfall4914 viewsA rare sight here in Altadena. Snow actually falling. Of couse it didn't stick long.  (36 votes)
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