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L.A. Moonset1903 viewsTaken 6/13/06
Cooler temperatures aloft and lack of a Coastal Eddy prohibited formation of the Marine Layer last night. Warmer temperatures and clear skies are forecast for the rest of the week. This is a welcome change from our traditional “June Gloom” here in Los Angeles. This shot was taken at 6:15 a.m. from approximately 2.5 miles Northeast of Downtown Los Angeles. Check the local Weather and High Resolution WebCam image from my Weather Station in Altadena at

Early Morning Wakeup1983 viewsAn eraly morning fire in Downtown Los Angeles snarled traffic. About 160 Firefighters attacked the fire at 4th and Broadway from the ground and Ladder Trucks. The building was destroyed but nearby structures were saved.
Taken 2/05/2007

L.A. Skyline3698 viewsA fast moving storm brough clear skies to Los Angeles. Taken with my Olympus C-5050 3/2/04